

Hoy debatimos sobre el relato “Skin” de la compilación de “Tales of the unexpected” de Roald Dahl.
This collection showcases sixteen of Roald Dahl’s finest tales, taken from Kiss Kiss and Someone Like You. There are tales of the risk-takers, such as the man who wagers his daughter’s hand in marriage to a wine connoisseur, or the traveller who throws himself overboard on a cruise liner to win a bet. Here too is the understated cruelty of “Edward the Conqueror,” in which a mysterious cat seems to threaten domestic life, or the innocuous-seeming “Landlady,” whose guests stay for longer than they intend. Not forgetting the satisfyingly shocking tales of revenge, such as “Nunc Dimittis” or “Lamb to the Slaughter.”
In this collection of stories, Dahl tantalizes, amuses, and sometimes terrifies readers into a sense of what lurks beneath the ordinary. Roald Dahl is a wizard of comedy and the grotesque, an artist with a marvelously topsy-turvy sense of the ridiculous in life.

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